Entrepreneur Life

my life as a business owner

Today we're talking about my why. 

How in the world did I get here? 

When I first started dating my husband 15 years ago, I was getting a masters degree in biomedical engineering. Yep.


I was studying neuromechanics. I was learning about how the brain controls arm movements and I was developing robotic gaming systems to aid in recovery of arm movements after a stroke. 


After that I worked for a few years in pediatrics. Every day, I worked with children with cerebral palsy and spina bifida. I watched them walk, studied their motions and helped surgeons decide what we could do to help them stand taller, strengthen their muscles and help them grow to their fullest potential.




Now I'm here.

I loved that job. I loved those kids and I loved what I was doing for them, but when it came time for us to talk about having a family of our own I couldn't imagine a life where I could equally have my own kids and help those.

My Gen X generation has grown up with this paradox. My own mom stayed at home with us and gosh it was great. She was always there when I needed her and we always had fresh cookies.


But in her home growing up, college wasn't a thing that women did. A woman's place was at home with her children and she made sure to teach ME that I had no limits. I could do anything and be anything that I wanted. No one could tell me it wasn't my place.


So I value work. I value success. I value contributing to my community, but I also see my mom friends that work the 'normal job'. I see their hours, I see their lunch meetings. I see their work trips and evening events and all the things.


 So that's why I started this. I want to show my kids that you don't have to fit the mold. You do you and make it work for your family. 


Just be you.

My husband and I are both self employed and it's complicated for sure. Yes, we work strange hours, we make less than we would at a typical job, we probably work 6 days a week in some kind of capacity, but it works for us.


I get to go to school mass on Wednesday mornings. I get to take Fridays off to go to the park if I want to. I'm at school 2-3 times a month volunteering. I can take a morning coffee date if I want one. I do what I want, when I want and it's so liberating.


Amazing family photos by Justine Wright Photography


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