Just say no to holiday cards!

why i'm not sending christmas cards

I'm going to say something that will shock you - I hate sending Christmas cards and this year I'm NOT doing it. 

We have a big family, lots of friends near and dear that we want to share our cherished family photos with and we hate picking and choosing who we send to, but in reality, we can't send them to everyone, we'd be broke, even at a designer's discount.

So today on Giving Tuesday, we're turning this great debate around.

Our church has a giving tree and this weekend we picked up one more request than usual and are going to splurge more on what we're gifting. 

We're taking the money we usually budget for cards and we're spending it on someone else. I'd rather the mom in the women's shelter have a new set of pots and pans. 

We can share our family photos on social media and that will be just fine.

So from my family to yours this holiday season - Merry Christmas!


{aren't they cute???}

I would much rather my holiday spending be personal this year, not just something generic that I feel obligated to do. 

Today I sent out 2 small gifts to women I don't usually exchange presents with. Just to say hi and that I value you in my life. They both need a break so I send a cute, relaxing package from Box Fox.


I invite you to do the same today! Maybe write someone a note on your new stationery from the Gratitude Collection? Or send them their own box!


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