World Down Syndrome Day

World Down Syndrome Day - LamaWorks


Say hi to Logan everyone!

Logan is a charmer. He knows no stranger and he will win you over in the blink of an eye. He gives the best hugs, and you'll melt to pieces if you ask him to give you knuckles - seriously he blows it up and it’s just to die for.

He loves Miles from Tomorowland, Lightning McQueen, loves to pretend in the kitchen, loves to cook with me in the real kitchen and loves anything to do with balls - throwing them, catching them, kicking them, rolling around in them.

His favorite color is red. He loves to sing at church and insists that we pray before every meal.  He's a bit pushy on WHO says the prayer but we love him for it! He loves hamburgers, french fries and cookies. He loves to read books. He loves to wrestle with Evan.  He is a super big brother and loves to show Evan how to do things like wave, clap and how to work a puzzle.

Logan goes to preschool. He loves to paint but hates to write. He sings along with the wheels on the bus and knows how to spell his name. He is learning his letters, colors, numbers and shapes. He loves gym and recess and pouts on Fridays when he doesn’t go to school.

Oh, yeah and he also has Down Syndrome. Did you see that coming? We are all more alike than different aren’t we?  While March 22nd is someone's big 4th birthday, we also celebrate another day -  March 21st otherwise known as World Down Syndrome Day. 3-21 is a day to celebrate that 3rd copy of the 21st chromosome that makes up every cell in his body. I think it's the smallest part of who he is, but it gives him so much of who he is too. We love him to pieces and today we celebrate that little extra piece that God has blessed him with.


We're more alike than different. To learn more about Down Syndrome I encourage you to visit

To learn more about the More Alike than Different campaign, this short video is wonderful: 

And if you are a new parent to a child with Down syndrome I cannot recommend this video enough - I cry every single time I watch it:




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